Tuesday, April 15, 2008

EXP 2 three clients

"It can seem as you look out that it's just chaos and that we behave in terrible ways and we never really seem to get better. But we have to remember that compassion and love and altruism is equally deeply rooted in our primate heritage. " by Jane Goodall.

Jane Goodalln. d Jane Goodall Quotes, accessed 16,April, 2008,.

"I can stand out the war with any man." by Florence Nightingale.Florence Nightingale Quotes,about. com women's history, n.d accessed 16, April, 2008,.

"Equations are just the boring part of mathematics. Iattempt to see things in terms of geometry." by Stephen Hawking.

Stepehn Haking n.d Quatation by Author, Accessed 16, April, 2008,